KERS - Heat Recovery through the Kitchen Energy Recovery System

Free heating and hot water from waste energy
Low maintenance
No major installation costs
No modifications required to kitchen or cookline
Reduces carbon emissions
Fast return on investment
Kitchen Energy Recovery Systems is a brand that has been developed by Ecovery Innovations to maximise the exploitation of discarded waste energy from cooking equipment, by converting it into free heating and food-safe hot water. KERS is a truly unique system which is a true retro-fit, with no modifications required to the existing cookline, and offers a fast return on investment. Potential CO2 emissions are reduced by up to eight tonnes per year.
KERS is capable of rising up to 3,000 litres of water per day to 65 degrees without the use of fuel purchased from utility companies. KERS captures the high temperature exhaust discharge from commercial cooking equipment and converts it into potable hot water. Installation of the KERS system can mean that you can satisfy all hot water requirements by means of using recovered energy, energy which would otherwise be wasted.
The KERS panel can be used to connect the system to any existing water heating boiler or thermal storage with safe compliance. The four KERS Control Panels are designed to control systems with variants including controlled or uncontrollable heat sources, existing electric and gas heaters, and vented and unvented systems.
Currently KERS is being used to heat water for kitchens, bars and toilets, preheat kitchen make-up air, heat underfloor and wet heating systems, and reduce the running cost of dishwashers.