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Effective Ways to Eliminate Cooking Smells in Commercial Kitchens

Eric Phillips

Effective odour control in commercial kitchens is essential not only for creating a pleasant environment but also to maintain elevated hygiene standards, reduce fire risks and save energy.

In another article we'll discuss the importance of odour control in commercial kitchens from customer satisfaction through to pollution levels.

Here we’ll focus on how to get rid of cooking smells in your commercial kitchen.

1. Controlled Ozone Solutions for Odour Removal

Controlled Ozone Solutions is continually emerging tech which is proving to be an effective solution for odour control in kitchens.

So how does ozone remove odours? Unlike many alternative options ozone solutions don’t just cover up offending gases but eliminates them instead.

Ozone, a natural molecule composed of three oxygen atoms, works by breaking down odorous compounds in the air. When used in controlled amounts, ozone neutralises the molecules that cause unpleasant cooking smells, leaving kitchens and surrounding areas smelling fresh.

At Ecovery Innovations, our advanced ozone systems are designed to efficiently remove odours while ensuring safety and compliance with environmental regulations. These systems automatically generate and release controlled amounts of ozone into the air. The ozone then reacts with pollutants, effectively neutralising odours and reducing the build-up of grease on surfaces. Grease is another big problem for commercial kitchens.

2. Grease Control: Safety and Odour Reduction in Commercial Kitchens

Accumulating grease is a major contributor to commercial kitchen odours, emitting strong smells and posing a fire risk. This means that grease control is critical to both safety and odour reduction in commercial kitchen environments.

Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs) are a great way of trapping grease and smoke particles within extraction systems through the process of ionisation. This prevents grease particles from settling on kitchen surfaces or entering the ventilation system.

Ecovery Innovations offers Electrostatic Precipitators with high particulate removal efficiency. These remove sub-micron particles from the kitchen atmosphere (up to 99.5%). Explore more here.

3. Innovative Heat Recovery Systems to Overhaul Energy Costs

Odour control systems can sometimes be energy-intensive which can contribute significantly to the energy wastage of a commercial kitchen. Commercial kitchens are already high in energy costs and can contribute negatively to overall air quality.

However, by utilising the right technology it is possible to balance efficiency with sustainability.

How Ecovery Innovations Can Help You with Odour Control

Ecovery Innovations was founded by Eric Philips to combat high energy wastage, particularly in the hospitality and fast-food industries. Providing solutions which save energy and keep down high energy costs typically associated with more traditional systems.

For example, the KERS - Heat Recovery through the Kitchen Energy Recovery System even provides free heating and hot water from waste energy. The technology is set up as a true retro-fit without the need for costly modifications to the existing cookline, ideal for a quick Return-On-Investment (ROI). This is capable of rising water to 65 degrees (3,000 litres each day) without the need for additional fuel.

Eliminate Cooking Smells in Your Commercial Kitchen: The Next Step

Odour control in commercial kitchens requires a comprehensive approach that addresses not just the smell and vapours, but also the grease, particulates, and energy consumption associated with kitchen operations.

By using controlled ozone systems, electrostatic filters, effective grease control, and energy-saving products, kitchens can maintain a cleaner, safer, and more pleasant working environment.

At Ecovery Innovations, we are committed to providing and developing cutting-edge solutions that not only control odours but also enhance sustainability and safety.

The next step in your journey is to find the right solution for your kitchen. Reach out for a quote or discussion at Ecovery Innovations to explore the cost and most importantly the expected reward for your efforts, from energy costs to customer & employee satisfaction.

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