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Co200/Co400 Odour Control

Eric Phillips


Co200 and Co400 Kitchen Odour Neutraliser Injectors are easy to install, highly efficient, low maintenance, exceptional value for money British Designed and Manufactured answers to cooking smell discharges from small to medium sized kitchens.

CVS/CMS Monitor Controlled Ozone Neutralising Systems are suitable for larger kitchen extraction systems. The CVS System monitors the air volumes moving through the kitchen extraction ducts and adjusts the ozone production to maintain the optimum ozone to air concentrations required to neutralise the levels of odour being discharged from the kitchen.

The CMS System is the CVS System with the addition of an ozone monitor fitted at the discharge point of the extraction to ensure that the levels of ozone being discharged from the extraction system do not exceed safety guidelines, this unique system is essential when a system’s discharge may be seen to be a risk.

For more information email or call 07515 586220

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